Of the Civil War Amendments, the Fourteenth Amendment had the most far-reaching effect on the meaning of the Constitution. It conferred both national and state citizenship upon birth, thereby ...
Chief Justice Timmer stresses the importance of enforcing the U.S. Constitution to protect rights and serve the people.
Editor's note: This is a regular feature on issues related to the Constitution and civics education written by Paul G. Summers, retired judge and state attorney general. The Fifteenth Amendment ...
Congress spent the days between Grant's election and his inauguration drafting this new amendment, which would be the 15th added to the Constitution. The writers of the Fifteenth Amendment ...
Unlike so many other clauses of the Constitution—including the Fifteenth Amendment itself—the Nineteenth Amendment has generated a remarkably small body of case law. In the first decade or so ...
The Civil War had been over for five years. Reconstruction of the war-torn South was proceeding when Congress ratified the 15th Amendment, giving recently freed slaves the right to vote.
The High Court has issued a rule questioning the legality of the 15th Amendment of the constitution, which scrapped the provisions for a caretaker government. A bench led by Justice Naima Haider ...
Elections are the foundation of representative democracy. Your right to have a say at the ballot box was paid for with blood ...
Author and editorial director Marc Favreau shares 10 things every writer should know about American elections and voting rights from the original Constitution to the John R. Lewis Voting Rights ...
The 15th Court of Appeals will have exclusive ... over individual counties. They noted an amendment to Article V of the state constitution that requires that the “state shall be divided into ...
In-person early voting for the Nov. 5 election begins today in Virginia at all general registrar's offices. The last day for early voting is Nov. 2.
The 15th Court of Appeals will have exclusive statewide ... conferred appellate jurisdiction" over individual counties. They ...