A high-ranking village employee is set to appear in court Friday after an altercation with resident in Big Bend Village Park.
A Kentucky sheriff is under arrest and a district judge is dead after the law enforcement officer allegedly shot the judge in ...
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott swore in the first judges for the state’s new Business Court at the Texas A&M University School of Law ...
中央氣象署表示,今天(20日)偏南風,水氣稍增,1縣市豪雨特報,2縣市大雨特報,南部、東南部整天有間歇陣雨雷雨,中北、宜花為午後雷雨型天氣,應留意局部大雨;天氣高溫炎熱,1縣市高溫特報。氣象署預報,明天到下周二(21日到24日)低壓帶籠罩台灣,天氣不 ...